Start of a Short Week 
Monday, July 2, 2007, 12:12 PM - Obituaries
!!!!!!!! MARCUS will be back this month !!!!!!!!

20 days until RAGBRAI XXXV!!!
Training miles: not going there, but ample opportunity to add to it tonight.....

Quote for the Day: If there has come to us the miracle of friendship, if there is a soul to which our soul has been drawn, it is surely worthwhile being loyal and true. Hugh Black

Austin had All-Star practice Friday night, we got home and they scarfed down some food then we went outside and covered the haystack. They weren’t thrilled. A pyramid of 6 bales tall about 75 bales. It was a nice night to do that. In the morning we tried to get things cleaned up at home…..bills, laundry, dishes, etc…before we left…

Saturday we went to the Art Festival….the boys painted the dumpster supplied by Artistic Waste. There should be about 5 fully colored dumpsters floating around DSM for sometime, so keep your eyes open.
I wasn’t overtly impressed with much I saw, but the boys didn’t really allow me to study much of anything. Sure most of these people were talented…I’m saying I didn’t see much that really moved me…..

When we were there we also walked into the American Dream Machines , the food venders were on the street in front of it…. the car selection was nice, Austin was salivating and I had to give him a tour that last about 30-45 minutes about what kind of cars they were, why or why I wasn’t interested, what I thought that car was worth, how, if any connection to a similar car I had…..I pretty much had some type of connection to almost all of them or a least a story….It actually brought up a lot of memories and made me want to get another one fixed or buy…I always keep my eyes open, but realistically I don’t have the time or funds…… They sold the 66 Mustang fastback when we were standing there. Things I told Austin about it….it had a 65 gas cap, the hood scoop wasn’t original along with the side scoops. It also had Leman stripes…basically someone was trying to make a Shelby look-alike but stopped without the side stripes and the Cobra emblems…..It looked good, but I wouldn’t have spent $30k for it……

The boys and I went to Even Almighty afterwards…they loved, I thought it wasn’t bad. It’s hard for me to give my honest opinion on this one….I will say it wasn’t a rehash of Bruce Almighty….totally different story line.

Saw Oceans 13 yesterday with Julie, it was a good movie, I thought it was better then Oceans 12, definitely something for me to see again….
Last night I went to the Jordan Creek 4th of July festivities around the lake….It was extremely relaxing…I can’t remember being that relaxed for sometime….the weather was perfect they had a wine and beer garden…Like normal no cash for Andy…. and then he disappears....
Stacy, Beth, Joe, Kim, Nicole, Justin, & Andy were there…Sedi showed up later, but I have no visual proof of it….The fireworks were ok, when they got to the end they were good….They needed to let them off faster at the start….the ones over the water at the end were very cool……

Deep Thought for the Day: If you're a boxing referee, it's probably illegal to wear a bow tie that spins or changes colors.

Friday!!!!!...still early in the morning. 
Friday, June 29, 2007, 09:06 AM
Quote of the Century
"The American Indians found out what happens when you don't control immigration" --- Richard Lang
Golfing last night was relaxing once I remembered my swing….putting was however disastrous for me.. We played at Copper Creek. Suzanna was working (She’s the event coordinator), she was like what are you doing here?....ummm playing golf….didn’t I tell you last night I was playing today….etc. There were several times I had ample opportunity for a birdie or par….and my putts sucked sooooo much! Probably the worst I ever putted, usually have a least one lucky one….Playing a little more golf will probably improve my game.....Enough of that, Beth had a 62 foot putt WOW!!!

Went to Legends afterwards…then headed down to the Function in the Junction, was suppose to make The Longest Yard…ran into someone walking there and ended up going to Lloyds’ instead and actually making it home semi-early. I’m sure that’s why I can’t keep my eyes open.

Oh yeah……Andy will probably want to beat me up after last night, but I think I can take him….as long as he doesn’t bleed on me.

Had a nice conversation about life with Stef on the way…...I had a little alcohol in me, so I was probably non-coherent. I think we came to the realization that I’m looking in the wrong place for a nice girl. After discussing this with Mark, he says he's actually finding all kinds of nice ones online. Not being sarcastic….but that’s just not for me. We both are looking for 2 different things, but the girls he hangs with don’t realize that…….not worth worrying about….back to work

Song of the day is Louis Armstrong’s What A Wonderful World…this might actually be my all-time favorite song….so relaxing. Sometimes it’s hard to remind myself where I want to be. Listening to this totally reminds me where I want to be, unfortunately It can’t tell me how to get there. I do think its time to go back to where I was about 2-3 months ago, I was actually less stressed and had less on my mind.

Tonight will be an early night for me; I’ll be sleeping when the boys are. Tomorrow the farmers market and Art Festival ….and hopefully a quite weekend, maybe get some stuff done.

Deep Thought for the Day: If you ever teach a yodeling class, probably the hardest thing is to keep the students from just trying to yodel right off. You see, we build to that.

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Great steak night!!!! 
Thursday, June 28, 2007, 09:57 AM
23 days until RAGBRAI XXXV!!!
Training miles: more then yesterday……

Looks like some refuse tooting chica struck again yesterday.....

Right before I left work yesterday someone…came to me asking me to write some code to perform a function before I left…so I was at work an extra hour, when I was planning on getting a new tube for my bike and some other things. I did find time to run to Bike World, got a tube and ended up buying a light. Never had a light before usually just ride by moon light or follow others with a light and yes it can be dangerous, but that’s my middle name.

Steak Night:
Last night was a beautiful night for about 50 people at The Rendezvous, enjoying a nice piece of meat. The local cop didn’t like Plummer letting off fireworks in town…..He also was displeased with my smart-ass remark…gave me a warning. Guess, Barney can’t take a joke.

Ran down to the Kinnick Tavern to talk to Pete about the website and gear etc...of course he was in DSM playing volleyball.

Surprised Spaulding when he came up behind me a grabbed my back, twisted his arm and flipped him to the ground….he actually learned something new.
It was kinda scary listening to Spaulding and Cribb discussing Cribb’s new bike…..I mean come on, its a bike….they made it sound like they were talking about a car…Yeah has a Holly 4-barrel, 302 bored 4 over with a Elderbrock intake…etc…

We let alot of fireworks off at the sweet spot last night...need to keep them away from Mike P, he can't aim well.

… I actually got some miles in, finally! No other Kami's made it last night.

Also made the fastest trip from the sweet spot to Orlando’s. It was Mark’s(Temp) b’day and I had told him I’d see him. It was extremely hard to pull myself away from Adel. When I finally did it was getting late..he calls me …where the hell!....on my way….20 minutes later…..Had a beer or two at Orlando’s…got Suzanna, Mark, & Tom’s friend Michelle all flushed and speechless before I left.....It was funny, would have had to be there for that one.

Song of the Day is Blister In The Sun by Violent Femmes….it’s the first song in the player…..

A little too much ultravilot rays over the weekend...peeling...and it was cloudy the whole time.... Don't forget to protect your skin in winter and on cloudy days. Reflection from snow and water can increase the intensity of the sun's rays by up to 80%. Clouds block only a small fraction of the sun's rays, making it possible to get sun burnt even on a cloudy day.

Tonight… a little golf at Copper Creek. Don’t feel like clubbing/bar (same old same old) afterwards with the others tonight. So that is still open....Of course the farmers market in Valley Junction could be a good thing .

Why is bra singular but panties plural?

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou

Deep Thought of the Day: Frank knew that no man had ever crossed the desert on foot and lived to tell about it. So, he decided to get back in his car and keep driving.

Have an awesome day! Weather should be nice.....

Beautiful Wednesday.......steak ride tonight...MARCUS is closer.... 
Wednesday, June 27, 2007, 01:48 PM
24 days until RAGBRAI XXXV!!!
Training miles: we don’t want to go there……

Austin had baseball practice last night and Blaise and I went to Dairy Queen instead of practicing soccer…poor kid this daycare is killing him…its go..go..go…all day no nap. Swimming leasons in the morning…pool in the afternoon, and everything in between. His little body isn’t handling it well. He is very delirious and exhausted when I pick him up every time.

Talked to Marcus for 15 minutes today....HE IS ALMOST BACK!!! Anyway over the last 1 1/2 years I haven't said much about home, because I don't want to remind him what he is missing, etc. So I started telling him a little whats going on...he's getting pumped, his replacement took over most of his duties yesterday. Sounds like he will be extremely busy for sometime when he gets back. Most likely the first time most of us will see him will probably be Cedar Falls on RAGBRAI. Laura is finally getting excited's so cute. I'm glad he will finally be back! he can get that family started.

Went to the FSA office this morning what a zoo….have to go back in two weeks to file my paperwork…
Work is freaking busy….

Decker is on baby watch....due next Wednesday, he told her to wait until after that!
Steak night tonight …some golfing tomorrow …..and of course work in between.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Deep Thought of the Day: Even though he was an enemy of mine, I had to admit that what he had accomplished was a brilliant piece of strategy. First, he punched me, then he kicked me, then he punched me again.

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Another beautiful warm Tuesday on planet realisim....... 
Tuesday, June 26, 2007, 09:01 AM
Didn't make biking last night, did a little walking instead after work...actually more talking then anything...…nice weather….maybe a tad hot. I'm not sure what's going on but I've been waking up at 4am every morning and not for the right reasons.....

Eric N said it was 111 yesterday, but it’s a dry heat. Of course he said that titanium shift knob on his car has left a scorch mark on his hand….it heats up mucho!

Got the DMACC Telecom Portal pretty much finished...should do more customizing, but they have limited my permissions on the server, having to jump through to many hoops to get things to work correctly......

Another beautiful day…stuck inside! Speaking of....Song of the Day is: Mr. E's Beautiful Blues by Eels….it’s the first song in the player…..I might redo that player so it lists all the songs at once….just not today.

I think Brian S….has died….have not been able to get a hold of this guy...etc……

Crack Whore Stacy asks “what’s that dog with the hand pointing at(the background picture)….Hello its Hong Kong Phooey! Everybody cool knows that!

On the way to work there were about 20 cars at the bike trail in Carlisle…must be nice to have vacation!!!!!

Tonight Austin has BB practice....Blaise and I are going to practice soccer.

Steak ride tomorrow night….sounds like the Cumming trail has a lot of trees down and in the way......Art festival this weekend…..and I think the boys are going to help me prep the Stang for Wednesday.....

On This Day In History: Charlie Chaplin's epic comedy The Gold Rush opens 1925. Also Sedi loses his virginity to the daughter of his master-sargent 2007.

Deep thought of the Day: As the snow started to fall, he tugged his coat tighter around himself. Too tight, as it turned out. "This is the fourth coat crushing this year", said the sergeant as he outlined the body with a special pencil that writes on snow.

????Does anybody read these deep thoughts?…is it a waste of time?….I think they're funny! Just let me know in the comments one way or the other. Peace Out!

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