Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 11:42 AM
WOLFMOTHER is playing in Council Bluffs tonight.......rallying troops to see if anybody is interested...Parents may have to watch the boys.....

Rain and mistake 
Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 09:31 AM
This rain is flippen crazy, I want to move south to the Caribbean but I didn't want it to move here at least the jungle aspect..... The yard was mowed yesterday, but by the grill out it will be a small forest again......

Here are some pics from the float trip and July 4th..I think last year. Joe just got them up...I don't see Blaise, but I know he was there.....actually maybe he wasn't..check out the can tree....

Not happening anytime soon as the water is way way too high......

Last two a-day for Austin today...he said it was kinda hot yesterday. I picked him up and he was drenched then we went to his mom's so he could shower. He maid the mistake to allow me to come in and sit in the living room on the couch while he showered. Then his mom came home and riped into me because I was in HER house.. Didn't matter Austin invited me in. She also made it a point that it was her house and not there's....I felt bad for Austin, next time I will just wait outside. I don't consider my house actually mine, it's ours. They have to live there too, but I do have final say though.

On a bright note after the fb meeting last night the ex actually signed me up when they were asking for contact info for the parents. She usually thinks of herself as the only parent. Just another example of her being a semi-normal person that started about 2-3 months ago. She's been dating some guy, so maybe that is helping. Unfortunately she still has a lot of hatred in there......Crappy way to go through life with that.

Scrimmage Thursday, of course Cowboys play that night too....First game Hoover next Friday.

The bus and DMV fiasco is finally finished....

Looks like someone may be going to Russia very soon.

...and someone may be going to Minn. today or tomorrow for an Camaro SS.

Kids Who Watch Popeye Cartoons Eat More Vegetables
Popeye cartoons, tasting parties and junior cooking classes can help increase vegetable intake in kindergarten children, according to new research published in the journal Nutrition & Dietetics. Researchers at Mahidol University in Bangkok found the type and amount of vegetables children ate improved after they took part in a program using multimedia and role models to promote healthy food. Twenty six kindergarten children aged four to five participated in the eight-week study. The researchers recorded the kinds and amounts of fruit and vegetables eaten by the children before and after the program." I can believe it, thats why I eat spinach........
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On choosing happiness. What’s your choice? 
Monday, August 9, 2010, 11:55 AM - Stories
Something we all forget time to time.

On choosing happiness. What’s your choice?

After is a self-defeating word. It robs you of the present, and resigns you to wait without taking any action. You convince yourself that life will be better after something: After you get a new job, after you get a better job, after you get more money, after you get out of debt, after the economy rebounds, after your stocks go back up, after you get that big order. You convince yourself that life will be better after an event: After you get married, after you have a baby, after you get a new house, after you take a vacation, after you come back from vacation, after summer is over, or some other action-procrastinating “after.”

Are you frustrated that the kids aren't old enough, and believe you'll be more content after they’re in high school or out of high school? Are you frustrated that you have teenagers to deal with? You will certainly be happy after they’re out of that stage. Certainly you’ll be happier after they’re in college, or is it out of college? You tell yourself that your life will be more complete when your spouse gets his or her act together, when you get a nicer car, a new house, a raise in pay, a new boss, or worse, after you retire.

The truth is, the fact is, the reality is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when? After the economy gets better? You may not be able to wait that long.

Your life will always be filled with challenges, barriers, and disappointments. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. Alfred Souza said, “For a long, long time it had seemed to me that I was about to begin real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.”

There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. There is no after to happiness. Happiness is now.

Here’s the answer: It’s inside your head FIRST and everyplace else second. Happiness is a treasure. Your (missed) opportunity is to treasure every moment that you have.

Stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school, until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until after you quit smoking, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you get your new car or home, until your car or home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter, until the first or the fifteenth, until your song comes on, until you've had a drink, until you've sobered up, until you win the lottery, or until the cows come home to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.

And treasure the happiness of now more because you share it with someone special enough to invest your time in... Happiness is: Not an economy or a budget. Not a yes or a no. Not a game winning hit or a last second touchdown. Happiness is a way of life that is inside you at all times. It helps you get over the tough times, and helps you celebrate the special times. Seems pretty simple to define on paper, but real difficult to manifest when the chips are down. My experience has taught me the difference between resign and resolve. You can resign yourself to what is, and hope or wait for a better day. Or you can resolve that you are a positive person who finds the good, the positive, the happiness, the smile, and especially the opportunity in everything. Happiness is now, not a goal or a destination. It’s not an after, it’s a before. And it’s up to you. All you have to do is: decide.
Jeffrey Gitomer

Monday, August 9, 2010, 09:41 AM
Friday ended up checking out a 68' Camaro with Stephanie in Knoxville. Overpriced and requiring too much work.....Watched Kick-Ass a violent, but a funny movie...was not bad.

Saturday worked on Mustang and other things around farm and house and tried to take it easy. 20 mile bike jaunt. Peer pressure finally got the best of me forcing me to go out for a while that night. Well worth it.

Sunday Heather spent half the day working on my house and forcing me to really get rid of some stuff.....House is very close to being cleaned out. It looks much bigger now too.....
The boys and I also dismantled the bus from RAGBRAI so we can use it for East side white trash night at the fair on Friday.

One more day of two a-days for Austin....scrimmage on Thursday....

What is up with people trying to sabotage other peoples life. Is it because their life is so miserable and they think everyone should be as miserable as them? Jealousy? Guess you can't do anything about these type of people except give them a fat lip. I think the worse thing is the people that allow it to happen or can't see through it, these are the same people that voted for Obama on a whim.

After waiting 5 years to do this. I said "Screw it" and ordered everything for my cooler stereo and trailer for my bike...should have it together for this weekend.

East Side white trash night at the Fair on Friday.
Class reunion on Saturday.
Kamikaze grill out on Sunday.

They beat-up on the Bengals last night. Too early to say anything.

The Expendables
opens Friday...always liked Stallone......

Auto Association Slams 'iPod Zombie' Pedestrians Not surprising.....

Jumping to Conclusions 
Friday, August 6, 2010, 09:06 AM
Peer pressure again on the steak ride….damn them……didn’t quite get anything done afterwards….or the number of miles in I had hoped….and much more Fat Tire than I needed…..and yes that tire isn’t flat.

Those balloon pics from a couple days ago I posted via my phone on FB. Rich went in and tagged the one as McConnell . Forgot that was his balloon.

Sam and Gabe’s is overpriced even for the ambiance, especially when the ambiance is blown out.

People need to stop jumping to conclusions . Sad way to go through life.

Some cars should just be a little bigger…..

This weekend probably some cleaning, bike riding, some weed killing, and finally hopefully some sleep….. I had set aside this weekend for Mustang weekend.....we'll see how much time I have for that.

Bedford Whaling is done….still not done with ARAG.

Micheal Irvin, from the Chicago Tribune:
"I remember when I was inducted into the Hall of Fame and they gave me my Hall of Fame yellow blazer. I wore it for two straight days. Finally my wife was in bed and said she wanted to make love but that I had to take the coat off. I refused and kept the blazer on because I wanted to perform like a Hall of Famer on the field and off."

Deep Thought of the Day: Once, I wept for I had no shoes. Then I came upon a man who had no feet. So I took his shoes. I mean, it's not like he really needed them.

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