Saved the Calf....all over the news 
Tuesday, July 17, 2007, 07:13 AM - Obituaries
Yesterday at 4:15pm I received a call from Rick and he says that a calf fell down into a drain pipe out in the field, I’m like there isn’t one big enough for a calf to fall into……He goes on explaining there is and there is a calf standing at the bottom. So when I get home he’s coming up to help me get it out. That calf was extremely lucky that Rick even was out in the field and heard it bellowing….
I’ve done a lot of different things growing up on the farm and this isn’t one of them, until yesterday. FARM RESCUE 911 :)
Rick and I was joking before we pulled it out and was like this would have made the news and I could totally see a crane and about 20-30 people out here giving there advice on how to pull it out…and I’m sure PETA would have been out here too!
The hole was probably 8-10 feet deep, I ended up getting a laureate around the calf’s body and Rick and I pulled it out of the hole. It probably weighed 200-300 pounds…

Look closely and you can make out the calf, it has its head sticking in the drain pipe, little shorter probably would have walked through it and drowned.

Sorry no action shots as the photographer (me) was busy pulling the calf out. After the calf was out, you could tell it probably had been down there for a couple days. It couldn’t wait to eat some grass; it had plenty of water down there. It was also totally exhausted, I let it set there for a few minutes, if you look close at the picture the hole is right behind it. I didn’t want it to fall back in. After a few minutes rest, I made it stand up and walked it up to the rest of the herd. Chances are its mother has forgotten it, so it would be weaned. It’s old enough to take care of itself now anyway… LUCKY ANIMAL!!!!

Did I mention MARCUS is back in the states!!!!
The Ironman Battalion is now safely at Fort McCoy, WI.
The welcome home ceremony will be on 25 July at the River Front Baseball Stadium in Waterloo.

After the calf rescue…Mark and I worked on the bus….We got the air jammer/shield, tire rack, the rear deck, new table inside(someone broke the other one…..), and the new external speakers on. Going to do more work tonight; new stereo, rails, bike mounts, and probably some cleaning…..RAGBRAI is almost here!!!!!

Saw my first Smart Fortwo car in Des Moines yesterday, some lady was at a stoplight...dinky car!

Deep Thought for the Day: If you fall down in a hole, don’t fret it. Chances are you’re not coming out, unless the planets are aligned and you can bellow.

Friday, July 6, 2007, 08:18 AM - Dictionary, Obituaries

The ship is named Emma Maersk .
The command bridge is higher than a 10 store building and has 11 rigs that can operate simultaneously.
Additional info:
Country of origin - Denmark
Length - 1,302 ft
Width - 207 ft
Net cargo - 123,200 tons
Engine - 14 in-line cylinders diesel engine (110,000 BHP)
Cruise Speed - 31 mi/h Cargo capacity - 15,000 TEU (1 TEU = 20 ft3 container)
Crew - 13 people First Trip - Sept. 08, 2006
Construction cost - US $145,000,000+
Silicone painting applied to the ship bottom reduces water resistance and saves 317,000 gallons of diesel per year.

Start of a Short Week 
Monday, July 2, 2007, 12:12 PM - Obituaries
!!!!!!!! MARCUS will be back this month !!!!!!!!

20 days until RAGBRAI XXXV!!!
Training miles: not going there, but ample opportunity to add to it tonight.....

Quote for the Day: If there has come to us the miracle of friendship, if there is a soul to which our soul has been drawn, it is surely worthwhile being loyal and true. Hugh Black

Austin had All-Star practice Friday night, we got home and they scarfed down some food then we went outside and covered the haystack. They weren’t thrilled. A pyramid of 6 bales tall about 75 bales. It was a nice night to do that. In the morning we tried to get things cleaned up at home…..bills, laundry, dishes, etc…before we left…

Saturday we went to the Art Festival….the boys painted the dumpster supplied by Artistic Waste. There should be about 5 fully colored dumpsters floating around DSM for sometime, so keep your eyes open.
I wasn’t overtly impressed with much I saw, but the boys didn’t really allow me to study much of anything. Sure most of these people were talented…I’m saying I didn’t see much that really moved me…..

When we were there we also walked into the American Dream Machines , the food venders were on the street in front of it…. the car selection was nice, Austin was salivating and I had to give him a tour that last about 30-45 minutes about what kind of cars they were, why or why I wasn’t interested, what I thought that car was worth, how, if any connection to a similar car I had…..I pretty much had some type of connection to almost all of them or a least a story….It actually brought up a lot of memories and made me want to get another one fixed or buy…I always keep my eyes open, but realistically I don’t have the time or funds…… They sold the 66 Mustang fastback when we were standing there. Things I told Austin about it….it had a 65 gas cap, the hood scoop wasn’t original along with the side scoops. It also had Leman stripes…basically someone was trying to make a Shelby look-alike but stopped without the side stripes and the Cobra emblems…..It looked good, but I wouldn’t have spent $30k for it……

The boys and I went to Even Almighty afterwards…they loved, I thought it wasn’t bad. It’s hard for me to give my honest opinion on this one….I will say it wasn’t a rehash of Bruce Almighty….totally different story line.

Saw Oceans 13 yesterday with Julie, it was a good movie, I thought it was better then Oceans 12, definitely something for me to see again….
Last night I went to the Jordan Creek 4th of July festivities around the lake….It was extremely relaxing…I can’t remember being that relaxed for sometime….the weather was perfect they had a wine and beer garden…Like normal no cash for Andy…. and then he disappears....
Stacy, Beth, Joe, Kim, Nicole, Justin, & Andy were there…Sedi showed up later, but I have no visual proof of it….The fireworks were ok, when they got to the end they were good….They needed to let them off faster at the start….the ones over the water at the end were very cool……

Deep Thought for the Day: If you're a boxing referee, it's probably illegal to wear a bow tie that spins or changes colors.

This may be my next car. 

Another Flippin Day 
Tuesday, April 17, 2007, 08:31 AM - Obituaries
Went for about a 5 mile walk last night with a couple friends(names withheld to protect identity) and of course Andy calls while he's at Bradley's. Tried a little free running last night over a garbage receptacle...not very graceful

Didn't do anything exciting last night or this morning...hopefully this day will be a little more stimulating. Eric N. is suppose to retire today, good for him....he'll be moving to Phoenix in a few weeks.

First Baseball game of the season tonight for Austin. I've got to remember to order tickets for the Drake Relays tonight as Austin is running in them on Friday night. That should be exciting.

Joke of the day:
How do you make a cat sound like a dog?
Soak it in lighter fluid and light it. "Whoof"

What?? Putting a New Spin on Vinyl Records
Like we need this....

The car I rented in Vegas....150mph...thats about all it had!

Did I mention Stacy W. is a ANTI-RECYCLER!!!!! reminds me of a crack whore!

Advice for Stacy today: You should just go up to her, tell her how you feel. Then punch her in the nose.

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