Johnny Orr to be honored at Hilton 
Friday, August 27, 2010, 09:52 AM
Hospitals wouldn't be so bad if they had a bar. Hey, where's the damn hospital bar.

Johnny Orr to be honored at Hilton....It's about freakin time!!!

One of the most popular and successful coaches in Iowa State Athletics history will be permanently honored beginning this winter when “Johnny’s” — a large sports bar-themed gathering area for donors — will open its doors at Hilton Coliseum. Read more here....and with Hoiberg there now, it can only get better!

Ankeny walked over Indianola last night. Austin was marginal at best. He threw no interceptions, so that is good. He seems extremely timid, that's where he is psychologically. If he could get his mind into it, he could easily be twice the athlete as he is now. I know for me it didn't hit me till I was a junior in school, then the light came on.......All these kids develop at different times, you can see it in most of them(where they are)...

Talk about alot of rides this weekend....
MS Ride
Mustache ride
Skunk ride
RAGBRAI reunion ride
Mark Ggurich ride

Stopped and talked to Cindi last night for a while, shes working too hard. On a positive note: I got another hand covered face shot for the blog.

Also stopped and talked to Nicole #1 and her new baby Tatum(10 months). Tatum is beautiful, made me miss my kids at that age. She was just adorable. Nice work Nicole!

Weekend...I don't have a clue.......easier that way! ...and less stressful!

Not the same here without Michelle.

Heather is running is some race in KC, she says it for a good cause. Yeah, like drinking heavily. Kidding

Funny.......It happens

Have a great weekend!!

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Loved being yelled at 
Thursday, August 26, 2010, 09:53 AM
Just love it when I get called, just so I can get yelled out. Does it really make people feel better?
Let’s see last night the ex called me to verify that her son decided not to eat anything the previous night and then continued on telling me he will never be staying with me again. Amazing how she can be played by her kids and not capable of being rational. Makes her look like an idiot. Something similar to this happened during RAGBARI. You would think these people would analyze what has happened and maybe try to actually understand what is going on vs. being too simple minded or naive. It’s kinda like people voting for Obama without making an educated vote.

Honestly can't remember yelling at anybody, except my kids(which I shouldn't do very often...or maybe at all)...even the ex.

Steak night was a blast, great group of people down in Cumming. Several I didn’t even see on RAGBRAI. Shawna and Mike were there, had a great conversation with them. Funny the stuff they were telling me. They were just verifying rumors they heard about me from one person(refer back to the paragraph before). Amazing….. Mike’s looking very weak. The girls were very loud after having twilight's…..and then singing Disney show tunes on the ride back. It was OK for like 3 minutes….

We're tentatively planning on the house in Aruba for a week. Also looks like Vegas in October.

Jenny B showed up and got her new copper cup...after Plummer broke it in for her.

D Dieke was there too, out of the blue...Guess it's on his way home from MO to Indianola.

Austin has a game this afternoon, we'll actually see what kind of stuff they are made out of. Ankeny should be more competitive then Hoover was.

Austin was 1 minute late for school yesterday(because of me) and received a detention.

15 good reasons I hate sleeping in hotel beds...The 15 Most Bedbug-Infested Cities in the US

Got to love this....

Boombay Bicycle Club opens tomorrow.....formally "The Union"(didn't last very long), Drink, & way back...Sneakers......

For those of you who think BP got their ass kicked  
Thursday, August 26, 2010, 09:36 AM

It seems like a miracle that our beloved leader was able to convince BP to establish a $20 billion slush (oops, escrow) fund to compensate those hurt by the ongoing oil plume in the Gulf of Mexico. After all, he had no constitutional power to force them to do so; so had to resort to Chicago-style negotiating.

But, let us take a closer look at the effect on BP's finances:

1. BP will establish a $20 billion fund, but will pay only $7 billion into
it during 2010.

2. BP is a British corporation, but has a very large operating entity in the US but only about 30% of it's income is derived from the US.

3. By Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAP), BP must book the entire $20 billion expense in the year accrued. Therefore, they will book a $20 billion expense in 2010, reducing their US tax liability by $7 billion.

4. Our dear leader also convinced this massive corporation to show their concern for the "small people" by withholding dividends to their
shareholders for the last 3 quarters of 2010. This reduces their outward cash flow by about $7.5 billion, including approximately 40% of that amount to US citizens. Assuming that the Bush tax cuts will survive through 2010, the US Treasury will lose another $450 million in taxes on that amount. We won't even discuss the effect on the US economy.

Let us put the results into a table easily understood by the small people (including me):

BP Cash Flow:

o Escrow funding ($7 billion)

o Dividend saving $7.5 billion

o Tax savings $7 billion

o Net favorable cash flow : $7.5 billion

US Treasury Tax Receipts:

o BP Corporate income tax .... minus $7.5 billion

o BP Shareholders ..... minus $0.45 billion

o Net unfavorable tax receipts ..... minus $7.95 billion

I guess we really should expect this. After all, our dear leader is the
most inexperienced man in ANY room he enters.

Now tell me ..Did the enlightened one "Kick Ass", or did he get "Sucker Punched"?

This is just one more reason why a 'community organizer" should NOT be negotiating anything dealing with money and finances!

Bottom line: The $20 Billion BP is putting up will create a $7.5 Billion
positive cash for BP flow this year. But, Obama actually "thinks" he really did something special and "kicked ass' (in his own words).

In reality, BP executives are laughing at him and 'kicked his ass". Oh
well..what's new with this President anyway??? He is in over his head when he starts dealing with "business people".

4 Homers 
Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 09:55 AM
I had 4 homers last night, haven't played that well for like 5 years. Only one was out, but I did have to run hard on the other three. I can still feel the ankle too. Lyndsey looked glanced at it during the fair and gasped. It's not really that bad, just takes a while for it to get back to normal size......I can still out run Austin. I also had an awesome throw home, luckily Brad was there to handle it.

Austin and Geometry haven't started off too well.....He already hates it

I was asked this morning "How do you feel about pineapple?" This is what came to mind first.

More steak tonight, I'm not sure If I've ever ridden this many steak rides immediately after RAGBRAI. Usually I'm preoccupied with other pursuits I guess.

Freakin Winston's is closing.....well I don't have to be bothered about going there anymore or one of the "HA HA we're at Winston's, you're at work". Closing September 3rd. Already lost the mouse infested La Pizza House and Jimmy's

...all I can say is Street Hawk....boys watched one last night....

Blaise is just full of questions all the time...usually at the wrong time.

After 45 minutes of tracking down why the taillight fuse suddenly starting blowing, finally drilling two new holes and replacing one of the taillights assembly's. Rich had thought he was doing the right thing. Like normal things just don't work out like they should. Undoubtedly, it will work better now. It just took that 45 minutes I already had planned. No more turning it to get a good connection.

Deep Thought of the Day : It would be terrible if the Red Cross Bloodmobile got into an accident. No, wait. That would be good because if anyone needed it, the blood would be right there.

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Full moon and lack of sleep 
Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 11:01 AM
Great full moon last night and of course I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. So I went running at about 1:30am got home about 4. I ran down the road and just went walk about on some of our land reminiscing about the past. The hours I spent out there working, chasing, building, driving, riding, sweating, bleeding, you name it...I spent alot of time out and miss most of it....very refreshing...not the same now as when I was growing up being surrounded by members of my family working together accomplishing tasks. I learned so much back then about most everything. This is the stuff I want to pass on to my boys, but it's extremely hard nowadays with all their activities, being with their mom half the time...and everything else. I think having that inside of me is an important part of who I am. I also think most are missing that kind of deep emotional connections with one's self.....

....and yes I did keep my eyes open for deer as I ran down the road. Heather asked me this morning about dying from a deer. Something I never thought possible till that one day back approximately in 1998 driving to work at 4:30 in the morning. A deer going full stride rammed into the side of my car. Luckily his antlers straddled the windshield support. It was like something out of a movie. Half inside and half outside. Glass just shattering. This happened on the passenger side, if it was my side, I wouldn't be here. His antlers were only inches away as he struggled to get free tearing the heck out of my headliner.....If I would have had a passenger they would have been killed. This woke me up, I had no clue a deer could be that dangerous, so anytime I go running at night, I pay attention now.......cause he came out of no where....just running along....

I don't actually feel tired for the lack of sleep.

Old Rock Stars

Finished up Firestone for the Farm Progress Show.......

Austin and I have been arguing about his locker/book bag...He carries his entire school supplies and books in his back pack. I tell him he's nuts. Claims he doesn't have time to get to his locker and etc....He still needs to figure out how to manage his time better, unless there is something I'm missing or not informed about. Maybe he's just trying to build his legs up.....
Losing Stacy this weekend to Russia

Jim backed out of the Belgium Assault Ride on Saturday, of course I lost $30, but it was worth it as Austins game was rescheduled. Otherwise I don't know what I would have done. Probably Austin.

Lets hope the bus comes back tonight in one piece.......

Softball tonight. After playing catch with Austin last night, he scares me. He's amazed how strong I am. Even thought I'm extremely weaker from where I have been before. He needs to get that mind of his open more.......

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