Freakin Friday!!!!! 
Friday, June 15, 2007, 09:23 AM
Didn't quite make golf yesterday.....

Had the closing ceremonies for baseball last night. Austin was elected to the All-Star team. Blaise received a metal for participation and thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Andy Arndt from our team recieved the Shepard(SP) award last night. I actually was overwhelmed with emotion. Not sure why it bothered me. The award is given to a player that displays great sportsmanship, etc...during the season. Andy is a great kid...I've always liked him. He's played on Austin's team almost every year. Shepard was a 11 year-old that died from being struck in the throat with a baseball when I was playing. I think he was a year older than I. I was playing for Milo at the time. When it happened, mom become more paranoid then normal.....

After the ceremonies went to Pierce's for a beer with the rest of the board and Curt C had his bulldog there, it sounds like it had been smoking for 50 years. Hacking and coughing.....poor dog...actually poor us for having to listen to it...

Team Marcus had our last game last night, I didn't make it because of baseball commitments. From what I got off the phone last night...we rock!! We went undefeated again. Since I started playign co-ed out at Raccoon River we haven't lost very many games...maybe 2-3 over the last 5 years?? maybe more...anyway....Mark and Andy were trashed when I talked to them last night from Charlies and excited.....It was all for MARCUS

I did get 5-6 hours asleep...much needed...a few more hours would have been perfect.

Have the kids most of the weekend...try to get some stuff done at home. Bail some hay. I don't have them Sat night I'm sure I'll find something to do...already have been asked to go to 2 weddings....
Thought about taking the boys to Jester Park tonight. Travis, Kyle, etc. are camping there. Depends on Blaise when I pick him up from day care. He switched daycares Monday and doesn't take a nap here...he has been very delirous later in the day because of that.....

Deep Thought for the Day: I think that what makes Tarzan so cool is he is was Lord of the Apes. Tarzan Lord of the Apes sounds cool. I mean if he had been Tarzan President of the Lemurs or Tarzan Mayor of the Spider Monkeys he wouldn't have been cool.

Everyone have a great should be great!!!!!

No Sleep!! 
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 09:27 AM
Last night Blaise had his last baseball game. He was in a better mood, then the night before. He started a new daycare on Monday, which he loves…it’s affiliated with the school, since he starts Kindergarten in the fall. Unfortunately he doesn’t take naps now…he was very delirious on Tuesday night…poor kid.

Talked to Mark D(Hig) last night, he stopped in Methodist to see Sergey….Mark hadn’t realized how bad Sergey actually was until he saw him….He’s having surgery today to put rods in his back to help stabilize his vertebrae. Mark thought he looked bad, but he would hate to see the other rider. Sergey was coherent…if fact after the accident he insisted not to have his wife bothered until she was done taking her medical boards. If you look at the video on KCCI and watch it slow you will see that a bicycle seat is jammed up inside the tire well.

I’m exhausted today….eyes don’t want to stay open….I blame all of this on ANDY…..

After the game last night went home grabbed my car, golf clubs, fed the dogs and headed out to West Grand Golf’s driving range. I was talking to Stacy yesterday and she reminded me I was suppose to play golf with Stephanie at Copper Creek today. Haven’t heard anything from Step for weeks, guess I’m just suppose to remember.…that’s not always a good idea. My golf game looked rustier then ever....I had a few good hits, but I also sent a lot of divots...but it should help for today. Probably hit 6 golf balls at the guy in the cart, only got him with one.

I was lying awake and thinking that if was the lead singer in a garage band what the band would be called. I was thinking that "Dead Chickens" sounded like a good band name. Then one day I could see a marquee that said "LIVE Dead Chickens 1 night only!"

So today golf, closing ceremonies for baseball at 8ish, party at Jeff’s after the ceremonies…maybe not on the last one.

Trying to get the new server up for the LA models.....waiting on Brian to get the php functioning correctly.....

Deep Thought of the Day: If you say to someone that you can jump over that fence and they come back with, “I bet that fence was expensive to build”. You may want to walk the other way

Have a great day!

Wednesday in Iowa. 
Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 09:43 AM
The bikers hit outside of Grimes yesterday. One was Sergey “the Mad Russian” Morony. Higginz use to work with him at ADP (now at Meredith) - he was planning riding with Team Kamikaze this year...
He is in the ICU now and has two fractured vertebrae and skull - the other guy has that plus fractured pelvis, hip and arm - according to Both are expected to make an eventual full recovery according a friend that was at the hospital.

Blaise had a game last night…then we did some domestic stuff and I worked on the model site. Tonight Blaise has another game, then some of us are going out dinner, etc…..

Suppose to be in the mid 80's again today........

Useless information for the day: The song In-Agadda-Da-Vida by IronButterfly was originally suppose to be In the Garden of Eden Baby. The member that wrote had a bottle of red wine when he sang it and the next day listened to the tape and decided to leave it the way we all know it………I have made this the song of the day.

Deep Thought for the Day: Do you know what happens when you slice a golf ball in half? Someone gets mad at you. I found this out the hard way.

Austins baseball is done! 
Tuesday, June 12, 2007, 09:47 AM
Austin lost his last baseball game last night…..not going to blame it on any players….Dan for one…kidding. Team sport! We actually have some of the best pitchers in the league…they throw strikes, but our fielding has too many gaps that never completely filled in. I’d like to say everyone improved, but that isn’t the case. Anyway, Blaise has 2 games left tonight and tomorrow. Closing ceremonies on Thursday, then we can close the chapter on Indianola Little League for this year. Austin did make the All-Star team, don’t tell him….he doesn’t know yet. They will announce that at closing ceremonies on Thursday…so he’ll have a few more games, but I won’t be coaching as they decided the teams and coaches when I was in LA. That’s OK, except it will be hard to sit there…..

Another day…another dollar or where I come from - another peso…..

If superman and flash raced to the end of earth who would win? CHUCK NORRIS!

Marla and Jesse were in California. They went to Yosemite and hiked Half Dome. It about killed them, but he said it was pretty awesome. The two pictures are them at the top and the other is the cables you use on the final ascent.

Deep Thought for the Day: At first I thought, if I were Superman, a perfect secret identity would be "Clark Kent, Dentist," because you could save money on tooth X-rays. But then I thought, if a patient said, "How's my back tooth?" and you just looked at it with your X-ray vision and said, "Oh it's okay," then the patient would probably say, "Aren't you going to take an X-ray, stupid?" and you'd say, "Aw fuck you, get outta here," and then he probably wouldn't even pay his bill.

Not much of an update today. 
Monday, June 11, 2007, 08:23 AM
Too much work to do....

Song of the day Amy Winehouse - Rehab.....try the audio player!

I missed mentioning the hotel I stayed at was in Oceans 11.

We got out early yesterday, just missing the gay pride march thing that was going to have Sunset Blvd. blocked off....

Things went very well with LA/NY Models, on top of that someone else also wants secret at moment.

As for everything else.............

...and I got some sleep last night

...back to work.

Deep Thought for Day: Anytime I see something screech across a room and latch onto someone's neck, and the guy screams and tries to get it off, I have to laugh, because what is that thing.

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