Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 12:32 PM
For anybody that has fond memories of The Fall Guy

This is a couple years old, you see Lee's wife at the end....kinda robbing the cradle? I guess that keeps him young, but still.

....and I had something I was going to go off on today.....maybe I'll remember later.

for Austin tonight, if it doesn't rain.

Temporarily fixed the air conditioner last night.

Deep Thought of the Day:
If the whole human race lay in one grave, the epitaph on its headstone might well be: ‘It seemed like a good idea at the time.'

Strikes Back turns 30 
Monday, May 24, 2010, 09:46 AM
''Sir, the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to one!''

The Empire Strikes Back turns thirty, still my favorite of the Star Wars movies.

People that expect everything to be bright and rosy need to get a clue and do the best with what they have. You can strive to have better, but not feel sorry for themselves.

Damn air-conditioners

Blaise had a nice game yesterday, caught a ball, had an awesome hit. Austin had a nice game last night too....damn we are from 3-10:30 last night......awwwwww

Only 4 weeks of baseball left, will I survive. Full weekend of no baseball.....Ozarks?? Best offer so far. Should also be able to get some decent biking in.....

Jen got a new bike, now she will be twice as fast.

The Six Million Dollar Man...made the mistake of showing it to the boys. They liked it, on the other hand I thought it was too slow. I did grow up watching it, but now....seems slow....maybe I was expecting more action instead of decent stories???

Have to listen to all the Iowa Lottery spots today, over and over and over.

Wow Email from Travis titled PEOPLE WHO CAN'T DROWN ...Didn't know what to expect, till I opened it. I can't imagine that it would be fun to live like that, there is surgery to take care of that. I'm sure they garner plenty of attention, but still? Punky Brewster had it.

HBB June 5th

Darn it no ISU Father/Son Camp this year unless they can talk there mom into switching, even with Hoiberg there. guess I'll be GOING Down the Dirty D

Deep Thought of the Day: Why would you need to use WD-40 to remove stains from stainless steel sinks?

Day #14167 
Friday, May 21, 2010, 10:03 AM
Psychatric Answering Machine Typography Animation

Someone added animation, nice!

Another beautiful day to be working!

That iPad thing could be nice, but it's overpriced. Makes for a good frisbee.

Work half the weekend, BB the other half......

Better, stronger, faster.  
Thursday, May 20, 2010, 11:03 AM
Austin's team could care less about playing and they still have over half a season left. Rain holds off, Blaise will have a game tonight.

Yeah...a small problem.....

Did well last night for not playing softball since last summer. Tori was freakin awesome, wish she had played with us in the past. She was hitting the ball in all the holes and could field! Hit my first one out on the first swing, even a ball.

Had no less then twenty ask me about riding yesterday.....damn kids and baseball.

Flight 666 is a cool inside look at Iron Maiden (even if you don't like there music)

Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology.

Bike to work 
Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 09:43 AM
Baseball is currently a full-time gig until the 3rd week of June...Blaise's team took their first upset last maybe they can give it a rest. All they talk about how they are ranked first, it's taking away from them trying to get better....etc...

No sleep last night, surprise visit and 4 hours later they finally went home. Guess I should have taken a few days off too....AKOSM

About 3 weeks till the republican primary, I've actually sent in a absentee ballet for this. Since I really don't like our political system and I don't really think Bradstad has Iowa in the best interest, I voted for Roberts. I also don't want Culver back in there. I've talked to Branstad and he also doesn't seem like he's all there.

Bike to work week........

Lost Ronnie James Dio over the weekend. I still think he was awesome in The Pick of Destiny!

Laserfest sold out!

...and I maxed my text messaging for the month, people just don't call anymore...oh wait that would be me sending them out.

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