Best lost so far. 
Thursday, September 30, 2010, 08:36 AM
Way to go WDM, thanks for letting us know the entrance for Raccoon River was going to close......and detour of Railroad.

First game we were not 10 run ruled. Only lost by one run. Beat the heck out of me while on defense. Bleeding in 4 places, that's just how I roll or fall with grace.

Looking good so far in pool.....still early, but in first place.

Austin and Blaise both have games tonight.

Band of Joy, Robert Plant's new album...It's OK. His voice still sounds like he was in the twenty's. Just need Jimmy's superior writing skills from back then.

Facebook long ago part 1

Makes Me Sick - Americans stay out 
Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 12:49 PM
Not anymore than normal....and we continue to look the other way!

Kemo Sabe 
Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 10:19 AM
The freshman team won very nicely over Johnston on Friday. Austin had a superb interception. The QB's performance lacked again. He has 7 interceptions, 3 of those for touchdowns. He has 2 passing TD's. Austin on the other hand hasn't QB'd the last two games, but has no interceptions and 3 TD passes. Not saying anything......The Varsity team was rocked by Johnston...not pretty.

The cookie fight Saturday night didn't quite compare to the Cupcake battle
of 02'. At least for the mess.....

We got the bus cleaned out Sunday and everything dried. Saturday was a fun time. We got there just in the nik of time, otherwise parking would have been none ideal. Temp brought his field goal set and everyone enjoyed that a little too much.

Blaise has a game tonight.

ISU beat up on Northern Iowa, quite refreshing. Hopefully they can carry that over to Texas Tech this Saturday. Tiller played almost the whole game and after settling in looked pretty decent. Unfortunately it doesn't sound like he'll be in on Saturday.

Got to like Blaise not brushing his hair, Austin ever so smug.

You know this putting players in, either for sense of obligation or political reason is pathetic at these high levels! Reid almost did it this week with Kolb.....

George Blanda died yesterday, longest NFL player....

Softball last night not the prettiest....

Friday, September 24, 2010, 11:36 AM
Oktoberfest today and tomorrow......Back to the Court district...Thank you very much!!

Log Cabin Days tomorrow

ISU beating up on Northern Iowa tomorrow..It will be nice to get back to .500, even though it may be short lived.

Austin and Co. are playing Johnston tonight(Homecoming)

Deep Thought of the Day: It's always darkest just before dawn. So if you're going to steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

Need some positive things going on....

Have a great weekend!!!

We lost better last night 
Thursday, September 23, 2010, 03:28 PM
How's that for good English.

We lost better last night. Only by 11 points, of course having the fence move up helped. They were only able to get to second when it bounced over...

Kyle H turned the big 30 and helped celebrate that at Limeys.

Brackins was traded to the 76ers...I still don't think he'll make it.
People and their vicious ways. I guess after all this time it doesn't surprise me, but the vicious rumors people try to pass off are amazing. Guess when their own existence is so pitiful they need something to spice it up, so causing any sort of conflict or rumors is a way to do it. No matter if its true or not. I seem to hit by this more then the norm, most of the time I don't even know the individuals. It has definitely caused some problems in my life on certain occasions. I usually ignore it, but the others don't or can't. Sometimes that tells me how simple minded those people are(I'm referring to ones that get hurt because of it). They can't see through it, or they were actually looking for an excuse.

Homecoming parade is canceled tonight.

Etch A Sketch® iPad Case...Cool

ISU vs Northern Iowa on Saturday.

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